Thursday, March 2, 2017

Diet number one: Intermittent Fasting

6 Types Of Intermittent Fasting:

The diet I will be attempting this month is intermittent fasting, specifically, the kind of fasting I'll try this month is one meal a day fasting. With this type of diet, you fast all day until a period where it is most convenient for you, at that one meal you'll eat the nutrients that you need. My plan for this month is to fast until midday where I'll eat one big meal however on Wednesdays I will eat on at night time, this is because I have dance class that night and I've come to find that if I don't eat right before class I won't be able to perform well and will come close to passing out if I don't.

If you are going to be attempting the same diet you should only do light exercise because doing intense or strenuous exercise can cause extreme fatigue and exhaustion since you aren't eating as you normally do. I hope to have lost around five pounds by the time the month is over or at least an inch off of my waist line. If I am able to I will reward myself by going out and buying myself a nice gift with my birthday money.


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